Monday, June 20, 2016

The Great Wheel Turns: Full Moon. Solstice. June 2016.

Full Moon, Solstice. San Francisco, June 2016.

The Great Wheel rolls on. Ceaselessly. Move with it. The Grail overflows. Lift it to your lips.

Full Moon and Solstice on Monday, 6/20/16 and Tuesday 6/21/16. Yes!

Full Moon on Monday, 6/20/16 at 11:02 UTC, which means 1:02 am in Tahiti, 4:02 am in San Francisco, 7:02 am in Brooklyn, 11:02 am in Timbuktu, 1:02 pm on Copenhagen, 4:32 pm in Varanasi and 8:02 pm in Ulaan Baator (Mongolia).

Solstice at 22:34 UTC on Monday, which means Summer Solstice at 3:34 pm in San Francisco, Brooklyn at 6:34 pm, and on Tuesday at 12:34 am in Copenhagen and 7:34 am in Ulaan Baator, and Winter Solstice at 7:34 pm in Buenos Aires, and on Tuesday at 12:34 am in Johannesburg and at 8:34 am in Sydney. Embrace the polarity.

The Great Wheel turns. Ceaselessly. Move with it. The Grail overflows. Lift it to your lips.

#pearlofgreatprice #luna #solstice #sacredandprofanedances #thegreatwheelturns #gaia #pachamama #shamanicpower #savagebeauty #tavernofruin #cauldron #wildmagic #lifeoftheyogi #passionofthepoet #troubadourskilledbeforetheyreachbombay #strangerinastrangeland #soma #psyche #notacaravanofdespair #yearoftheyangfiremonkey #tantrikaknows

-- Richard Power 

Richard Power is the author of eleven books, including most recently, "Cauldron Yoga, Gaian Poetics and the Way of the Ancient Future," along with the other four volumes of his "Primal Reality" series, all of which are  available in both softcover and Kindle versions via

For information, visit Power's Amazon author's page.