Monday, October 20, 2014

A Veiled Synonym for the Truth of Space

Anselm Keifer - Nagflar. Brooklyn Museum of Art. Summer Solstice, June 2015.
NOTE: The boat that carries warriors into the battle with the gods at Ragnarok, the end of the world.
The yearning for peace is actually a groping for space, inner space. Because "peace" is in reality a veiled synonym for the truth of space. The peace that is hoped for, the peace that is strived for, whether "in oneself" or "in the world," is unattainable.

The truth of peace is that it is the very nature of space, nothing less, nothing more. As such, it is all-pervading, everlasting, utterly unalterable, both beyond and before; and it is through and through, here, and there, and everywhere, now and forever. What is asked of us is simply to realize this truth; yes, to open to it, to let go into it and in turn to reflect it outward in our relationships, our attitudes and our creations. No matter what the cost, no matter what the price.

Rely on this truth, that the actual nature of peace is the ever-present reality of all-pervading space. Live a life from that apex of clarity, and nothing that befalls you will defeat you, even in defeat. Live life from that apex of clarity, and nothing that breaks your heart will break you, even when it does.

(The problem of violence is downstream from the puzzle of peace. Solve the puzzle of peace and the clarity required to truly understand violence comes. Peace is not the antidote to violence. it is a requirement for the understanding from which genuine antidotes arise. I will write more about the problem of violence separately. It is complex.) The peace that is hoped for, the peace that is strived for, whether "in oneself" or "in the world," is unattainable.

The truth of peace is that it is the very nature of space, nothing less, nothing more. This is the secret of real meditation, that meditation that does not begin when you sit down, or end when you rise up. Peace is space. Only space. It is all around you always and forever. All is upheld by it. What we are called to do in this life is to realize this, to open up to it, to let go into it, and (MOST IMPORTANT) to reflect it in our relationships, our attitudes and our creations. No what what is thrown at us. No matter what we are challenged with. No matter. Peace is space. Only space.

It is all around you always and forever. All is upheld by it. What we are called to do in this life is to realize this, to open up to it, to let go into it, and (MOST IMPORTANT) to reflect it in our relationships, our attitudes and our creations. As such, this utter peace is at one with the pure dynamism of the universe that dances upon it. Siva and Sakti!

The utter stillness is the divine pulsation, the divine pulsation is the utter stillness. Spanda. It is never absent from your life. You are never removed from it. You just have to remember. But this kind of remembering is somatic, not conceptual. It is your birthright. It is yours to claim.

-- Richard Power, Author, Speaker, Yoga Teacher (RYT500)

See Also

Richard Power's Primal Reality Quadrilogy Available Now from